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Instagram + Facebook The Merge Continues

Instagram is becoming more Facebook and Facebook is becoming more Instagram. Are you surprised one bit? no, it's the merging of what is like a parent company sister companies.

It's all becoming a nice little family yeah Zuckerberg knew what was going on right he's like oh young people they're not using Facebook we buy Instagram Instagram becomes facebook guess what they're using Facebook.

Anyway this latest merge it takes DMS from Instagram which were obviously independent up until now and then just makes them Facebook messenger so now if you write a message to somebody on Instagram DMS that's gonna pop up under Facebook messenger, in fact, the button changed to a messenger icon on Instagram.

I believe I haven't seen this in my app should I check has this when is this update fully rolled out should I check will is this a live should we do a live check on the air no I still have again I haven't updated this in a while but I have the old message icon but apparently, it's going to change to uh to the messenger the Facebook messenger there look watch bing see the difference lightning bolt in a speech bubble and and the other thing that happens here is Facebook messenger apparently I don't use Facebook messenger but apparently had a ton of features that Instagram DMS did not and those will now roll out into Instagram including new stuff like look at the emoji reactions and the watch party.

You can watch something together with a friend and your messaging and there are bubbles and there's colours. It's a party look at this promo video it's such a party weird because uh messenger uh it has the ability to use SMS as well okay receive it and send it okay. 

I wonder if you can receive SMS in Instagram is that how it works hey man if it goes to your messenger. I would say it pops up in the DMS as well yeah because it's complete it's a full-out merge now.

I don't know how people feel about this, I remember in the early days when Facebook started to exert itself on Instagram people used to get offended but now we're so deep.

I don't even know if people care anymore yeah we'll see how it goes down but I suppose for an individual who uses Instagram doesn't bother with Facebook messenger they won't even care because they just got new features inside of their in the inside of their messaging app of choice and they don't have to go use messenger and for those that are cross-platform maybe it makes their life easier but it goes to show you this the scope and the scale and the ability of a company like facebook to combine these things right like when as far as imagining a universal chat app. 

Let's say that no matter where the message was typed it moved across all the various platforms an impossibility blackberry was trying to do something on their own on-device like merge it all together yeah they were third parties too third parties attempted it but it never really worked out and here we have a rare situation where one company is in charge of two enormous separate social media platforms and they can do it. 

They just merge it together completely and you can pick up a conversation you started on another social media and I guess WhatsApp is next right what's happens next well done willy do.
